MMC Platinum Series (PCI + 10X + PKPI)

MMC Platinum Series

(Performance Creator Intensive + 10X + Performance KPI)

MMC Platinum Program is a comprehensive 15-day course designed to enhance Business Income and Active Income.

It consists of a total of 3 distinct programs, each focusing on different aspects of business growth and performance.

Performance Creator Intensive Program (PCI) – 4 Days:

The PCI (Performance Creator Intensive) Program is a 4 Days module that delves into crucial elements of building a successful business model. 

It covers topics such as 27 essential business pillars (key strategies or areas of focus), Design your Business Models, Business Growth Formula (BGF), 5 Pillar in PMTSV (Product Innovation, Market Innovation, Team Innovation, System Innovation and Business Valuation Innovation), and methods to generate an additional RM 1 Million in Business Revenue.

10X Performance – 3 Days:

The 10X Performance program spans three days and is dedicated to optimizing business performance and exponential growth.

It emphasizes the formation of high-performing teams and provides insights on leveraging tools like DISC (a behavioral assessment tool) and motivators to identify the right talent for your business.

The program also explores strategies for achieving remarkable business growth.

Performance KPI – 3 Days:

The Performance KPI program, conducted over three days, concentrates on talent performance within an organization.

It offers valuable insights into recruiting, retaining, and rewarding employees based on key performance indicators (KPIs).

The program aims to improve overall employee performance and contribute to the success of the organization.

What our Graduates Student are saying?

” 用到最爽的方法 Referral… Referral 是一个很恐怖的Marketing; 比起你在网络打广告更厉害!”

– Billy Lim, Attack Fashion House

” 如果我早点来上课、不听网络的人黑老师,

– Max Lim, Spazio Hair Studio

” 上了老师的课程,我可以用融资的模式来扩展生意!”

– Alfred Yow, A&A Chesterfield

” 我们从2间的小店,直到现在有8间的门市和一家工厂!”

– David Yang, Owner of Petsrus Group