26apr7:00 pm10:00 pmKuala Lumpur
3 Hours DWMD Offline Workshop7:00 pm - 10:00 pm(GMT+08:00)

Event Details
3 小时线下“富债为王”课程以房地产企业理念为出发点,让你透过正确的资思维与投资技巧获取长久持续的被动收入,帮助你实现财富自由。The 3-hours offline “Die With Massive Debts" workshop instills the right mindset into your thinking by riding on Teacher's experience and practical knowledge
Event Details
3 小时线下“富债为王”课程以房地产企业理念为出发点,让你透过正确的资思维与投资技巧获取长久持续的被动收入,帮助你实现财富自由。
The 3-hours offline “Die With Massive Debts” workshop instills the right mindset into your thinking by riding on Teacher’s experience and practical knowledge to help you overcome the fear of investing in real estate while teaching you the power of leverage to build wealth.
(Wednesday) 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm(GMT+08:00)