19may12:00 pm7:00 pmKuching
7 Hours Blue Ocean Paradigm Workshop12:00 pm - 7:00 pm(GMT+08:00)

Event Details
行业标杆领导者Apple, Southwest Airlines, Lego, Netflix, Google, IKEA 和 Cirque du Soleil有什么共同之处?所有这些强者都成功地实施了创新的商业战略,只是通过创造一个新的市场空间,使他们的竞争力减少,并通过专注于未开发的市场领域来提高盈利能力。Adrian Wee老师利用这一非凡的策略使自己成为该地区领先的财富策略师,并使他获得了品牌桂冠颁发的著名品牌偶像奖!我们现在向您介绍蓝海兵法:通过创造新的市场空间和提高盈利能力,将您的业务提升到全新的水平。Adrian Wee老师的这个特别课程帮助您和您的企业达到全新的高峰,并对您的行业产生更高的水平影响。本课程是您开启成功之门的钥匙!只要看看Netflix是如何创新流媒体和制作自己的节目和电影的,而不是在价格或娱乐选择上与 Blockbuster 竞争。 蓝海兵法让 Netflix 能够不断地转移到新的、无竞争的空间并抓住需求。本课程专门为各位想通过在未开发市场创造新机会将业务提升到新水平的企业家而设计。 对于想要了解更多最新蓝海兵法以及如何将其应用到现实场景中的学生来说,蓝海兵法是理想的选择。 如果您希望在竞争中保持领先地位,这是您唯一需要的课程。让Adrian
Event Details
行业标杆领导者Apple, Southwest Airlines, Lego, Netflix, Google, IKEA 和 Cirque du Soleil有什么共同之处?所有这些强者都成功地实施了创新的商业战略,只是通过创造一个新的市场空间,使他们的竞争力减少,并通过专注于未开发的市场领域来提高盈利能力。Adrian Wee老师利用这一非凡的策略使自己成为该地区领先的财富策略师,并使他获得了品牌桂冠颁发的著名品牌偶像奖!我们现在向您介绍蓝海兵法:通过创造新的市场空间和提高盈利能力,将您的业务提升到全新的水平。Adrian Wee老师的这个特别课程帮助您和您的企业达到全新的高峰,并对您的行业产生更高的水平影响。本课程是您开启成功之门的钥匙!只要看看Netflix是如何创新流媒体和制作自己的节目和电影的,而不是在价格或娱乐选择上与 Blockbuster 竞争。 蓝海兵法让 Netflix 能够不断地转移到新的、无竞争的空间并抓住需求。本课程专门为各位想通过在未开发市场创造新机会将业务提升到新水平的企业家而设计。 对于想要了解更多最新蓝海兵法以及如何将其应用到现实场景中的学生来说,蓝海兵法是理想的选择。 如果您希望在竞争中保持领先地位,这是您唯一需要的课程。让Adrian Wee老师指导您如何提升您的产品、市场、团队、系统和价值!
What do industry benchmark leaders Apple, Southwest Airlines, Lego, Netflix, Google, IKEA and even Cirque du Soleil have in common? All these powerhouses have successfully implemented an innovative business strategy just by creating a new market space, making their competition irrelevant and increasing profitability by focusing on untapped areas of the market. Sifoo Adrian Wee has used this phenomenal strategy to accelerate himself as the leading wealth strategist in the region, landing him the notable Brand Icon Award by The Brand Laureate! We now present you with the BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY : Taking your business to the next level by creating new market spaces & increasing profitability. This special class by Sifoo Adrian Wee is designed to empower you and your business to reach new heights, and to make a real impact in your industry.This class IS your key to UNLOCK the door to a new level of SUCCESS!Just look at how Netflix, instead of competing with Blockbuster on price or entertainment choices, innovated tostreaming and creating their own shows and movies. The BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY allowed Netflix to consistently move to new, uncontested spaces and capture demand. This class is designed for entrepreneurs & business owners who want to take their business to the next level by creating new opportunities in untapped markets. It’s also ideal for students who want to learn more about the latest business strategies and how to apply them to real-world scenarios. If you’re looking to stay ahead of the competition, this is the only class you will need. Let Sifoo Adrian Wee guide you in enhancing your Product, Market, Team, System & Value all in one session!
(Friday) 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm(GMT+08:00)