04oct8:00 am10:00 amZoom - MASTERMIND COUNCIL COACHING8:00 am - 10:00 am(GMT+08:00)

Event Details
两个星期三都有一次的线上财商指导,是专为精通班会员而设计,由老师亲自辅导,带领精通班学员共同建立内经济圈,扩展生意,互惠互利,一起成长。Once in every two weeks on Wednesday, there will be an online business coaching specially designed for the MMC members. Personally coached by Teacher,
Event Details
Once in every two weeks on Wednesday, there will be an online business coaching specially designed for the MMC members. Personally coached by Teacher, the exclusive coaching taps into the inner economic circle of MMC to help members expand their business, grow and succeed together.
(Wednesday) 8:00 am - 10:00 am(GMT+08:00)